In a tiny town called Hatchetfield,
a box of the Tickle-Me Wiggly dolls was delivered in Toy Zone.
Frank Pricely, the store owner, and his employee, Lex Foster, were very excited because they knew that the demand on this doll was so high, that they would earn a lot of money this Black Friday sale.
The line outside Toy zone was very long even a day before the store opens. When the customers were able to get inside, they became crazed attempting to get their hands on a doll. It has caused chaos inside the Lakeside Mall, bringing deaths and injuries.
While trying to avoid the chaos, one of the customers, Linda Monroe, was confronted by the Wiggly doll delivery guy. But he wasn't just a regular delivery guy... he was Uncle Wiley, a follower of Wiggly
(The Lord in Black).
He recruited Linda to start a cult and prepare for Wiggly's birth in Earth.
Meanwhile, the news had reached the White House. US President Howard Goodman was recruited by General MacNamara of the
special unit P.E.I.P (Paranormal, Extra-Terrestrial, Interdimensional Phenomena) to enter the "Black and White", the place
where Wiggly resides, through the portal they built.
The Black and White
Enter portal
President Goodman attempted a truce with Wiggly, but he failed and barely escaped the place.
He immediately calls for an atomic bomb to be deployed into the Black and White, hoping for Wiggly's demise.
But beyond everyone's expectation,
a second portal to the Black and White exists in Russia.
Wiggly sent the bomb through the portal, baiting the US into World War III.
Back in Hatchetfield, General MacNamara visited Lex Foster.
He authorized her to use his firearm and told her to gather her forces, wake the warrior, kill the prophet, and save the world.
Lex found Tom Houston and Becky Barnes and asked them to help her fight the cult and get rid of the dolls. Becky shot Linda, the "prophet" of Wiggly.
Click the gun to shoot.
Lex then incinerated
the last Wiggly doll before leaving and
Linda's cult dies in the now burning mall.
The survivors gathered in a group to await the end of Black Friday.
However, just as the clock struck midnight...
the town was hit by a nuclear bomb sent by the Russians.